Thursday, May 31, 2012

You Qualify

There is nothing wrong with you. 

In this world we are told who we are is not good enough.  We look for someone to identify with but everywhere we turn our "flaws" are magnified.  If you go to church people look at you crazy.  If you go around your family, they want to flood you with advices on how to be more like them.  The news and media tells us to worry about things that we were not thinking about until they mentioned it. Doctors tell us to take medication, friends tell us to take a vacation, parents tell us everything else. Through the process of many influences we live with many voices in our mind telling us what is in our heart to do is wrong. 

We hide behind an image that we hate yet accept.  We live stressed, depressed, and frustrated.  Then we wonder why we abuse ourselves with food, drinks, medications, relationships looking for an outlet to distract us from our tired lives. 

Jesus Christ came into a world much like this one.  Where people were existing but not living.  They were sick, depressed, afraid, alone, hungry and know what He healed them all.  If He could do that for them why can He not do it for you now?  If you are lost, you qualify.  If you are sick, you qualify.  If you are heartbroken, you qualify. 

Jesus said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you"  You don't have to look beyond what is in you to receive what you need.  Through Jesus Christ you have full access to His Kingdom.  Turn from all the voices that have kept you from your happiness and peace and hear the voice of God within you. 

What do you do? When it does not happen.

God can I be real for a moment.  I believe in you but yet I suffer.  It does not make sense to live expecting for you to move in my life and I don't see it realized.  I am backed up against a wall here. 

Do you see me?  What do you expect me to do?  Should I keep working, writing, teaching what do you want from me?  Really this is pitful and I hate pity.  I know pride is not good but being humble hurts too much.  Every time I let down my guard and start expecting the impossible I am left still expecting.  I feel like a blind man yearning to see can you please give me direction? 

I am just a man but what does that really mean?  Why must I suffer?  Why must I be hurt?  I know I am suppose to be grateful but I have to be honest.  I can not live without you hearing all of me.  Maybe I should not be blogging this. Maybe this is too personal and people may take this the wrong way.  I don't care.  I must be honest with you.  For in my honesty you receive me.  You don't judge or condemn me but love me. 

I see now that what I go through is not for me but for others.  It is so that I can taste what they taste and feel what they feel.  It is so that my heart can be filled with compassion understanding their struggle and life.  That is what you show me.  That is why I write.  You transform my negatively and create a new perspective.  You take my darkness and give me a path full of light.  Thank you God for listening to me and embracing me.  Confession truly does lead to Salvation. :)

Okay back to the question What do you do?  Be honest and confess to God only He truly understands your situation.  I felt bad, frustrated, discouraged before this blog but now I leave hopeful, happy, and loved.  God is good.  Don't allow anyone to make you think you are unworthy of a relationship with Him.  Wherever you are right now you have the opportunity to speak to Him for yourself.


God's love is amazing

I am learning that in spite of my ignorance and pride, God still love me.  In my flaws I am still in the midst of His love.  Because of His love I now can see the world in a new way.  If I am worthy of God's love so is everyone else. When you know you are loved.  It does something to you.  It changes you.  No matter where I am, God's love is with me.