Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Freedom to create

To create something unique you have to look within yourself. It has nothing to do with anyone else it has everything to do with you. To express yourself in a creative way you don't need structure you need an empty mind. You don't need boundaries you need an empty space. That is the art of being creative. To go where no one has gone before you must be stretched beyond the boundaries of your mind. By doing so you reach the essence of what you are created to do. You reach the greatness in you that separates you from everyone else.

I don't want to leave by someone else's standard, for opinions change. I want to live by reflection of God that God made me in. If I am in His image I don't want to cover it but expose it. To do so I must journey where no man has gone before; my heart. I must find what is in it and leave the results up to God.

One thing that I realize now is I have to be myself not what people label me as. The truth is in me and I have the freedom to create based on the Truth I believe in.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Confessing negative thoughts

Have you ever had a bad report that just change your entire mood? That is how I felt today. Bad reports seem to weigh on your mind and they are hard to shake off. As I laid in my bed wondering "why me" Maia invited me to take a walk with her. I did not want to walk. For some reason I just wanted to sit in my bad thoughts. In spite of how I felt I got up and went on the walk. As we walked we confessed our feelings about the circumstances that are confronting us. As we bluntly released our feelings we got to the core of who we are. We got to the core of what we truly believe. Which is that God is good and He has already handled our situation through the life of Jesus Christ. We don't have to fight but rest in what Jesus has done for us.

By confessing what was bothering us we were uprooting the negative thoughts and getting to the root of our life. Which is Christ. We are victorious through Him and knowing that makes us rest in peace in spite of the situation. I am encouraged now to continue to enjoy and live the life God has made just for me today. I thank God that confession leads to salvation and deliverance. I feel so much better knowing that God is with me and He will not allow anything to happen that will not work for my good. Have a great day!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Trust Him & Believe New Music From Maia

I am so excited to share with you that my wife Maia has just started a myspace page.

She is a songwriter and a music artist check out her first song "Trust Him & Believe" and look for more updates in the near future.

Live the life you were made for. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from acting in what you know you are suppose to be doing. Have a great day and don't forget to live in the moment.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Believe in Yourself

If no one believes in you, believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in what you possess you will never fully understand the power that you carry. God has gifted you to stand out in a crowd. You are not a mistake rather a treasure.

God spoke to me when I was in a pit of insecurity. He said “E’yen I believe in you more than you believe in yourself.”

God believe in you more than you believe in yourself. He expects more out of you than you expect out of yourself. You can do it. Do not worry about what people think, their opinion does not matter. Just do it. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. Whatever comes out comes out. Do not worry about the result concern yourself with acting in the gift that you know you possess. No one has to tell you that you are gifted you know it; you feel it now just walk in it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just Me

I love writing blogs. I have enjoyed the journey God has taken me on the past year when I first started this blog. Now I believe in my heart that God wants to push me even further by expressing more of my heart through the blog.

I am excited and afraid of where God is taking me right now. I have been writing so much(books) the last couple of months and the things I am learning and discovering go beyond the boundaries of religion and the comfort zone I live in. It is like God is on the other side of the street and I am afraid to cross it because I am afraid of getting hit by a car while I cross. I have been told that it was dangerous and I lived under the fear but what I see now on the other side is so amazing that I can't ignore it anymore. The more I write the more I am enlightened to the lie I have lived and accepted as truth. I am more than what I have been and it is time for me to live the life I have been created to live.

I just want to share with you whatever is in my heart. Not to teach you or change you by giving you principles and a new doctrine but to encourage you to live beyond what you see. I am excited, I don't know where this blog is going but I know that God has something special in store. Have a great day!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Book Excerpt from HSTC - Turning from our "Eliab"

Excerpt from HSTC - Turning from our "Eliab"


For others, unfortunately, it is bewildering and upsetting to see us changing while they are not. They devalue our growth in God, and try to “chip away” at our spiritual armor. Their goal is to see us revert back to our old self and our old ways, so they can justify that ultimately, we have not changed.

“And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men; and Eliab's anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why camest thou down hither? and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know thy pride, and the naughtiness of thine heart; for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle. And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause? And he turned from him toward another, and spake after the same manner: and the people answered him again after the former manner.” (I Kings 17:28-30)

In this relationship between brothers, Eliab did not see the greatness in David. He just saw his little brother; in his ignorance he devalued the future King of Israel. Eliab actually witnessed David being anointed by Samuel to be King (I Samuel 16:13), but he wanted to keep David in the position He had always known him to be in. Eliab was blinded to David’s relationship with God, and for that reason, he confused David’s confidence in God for youthful pride. Through David’s response, we see that Eliab most likely made a habit of accusing David of being mischievous and having a naughty heart. Nevertheless, David had no time to justify himself to his older brother; Eliab would never understand what God was about to do through David. David had to prepare himself for battle, so he turned away from his brother and turned towards his destiny. Little did they know, Eliab and the rest of Israel were going to see God’s delivering power through a “ruddy” young man that was after God’s heart.

We must turn from our “Eliab” and set our faces toward our divine destiny. Our lives can not be consumed with trying to justify ourselves to others, but it must be in submission to our relationship with God. God had communed with David so much (in the wilderness while he was watching the sheep), that David had time to see the power of God. Eliab looked at David’s job of watching the few sheep in the wilderness as something small and insignificant, but David was not alone he was with God.

Though others might place a reproach on the things we are doing, it is fortunately an opportunity for God to commune with us alone. He places us where our relationships and their influence have no power, which allows us to meet Our Father and learn to depend on Him solely. Our parents can’t come to the rescue in the wilderness, and our friends can’t give us their words of encouragement and support. We are alone with God as He unravels our past and shows us our destiny in Him. He shows us that our importance does not come from the relationships we have with people, but it comes from our relationship with Him.

For more information or to purchase your copy of "Humbly Submitting to Change - The Wilderness Experience" go to

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Great Coach makes the difference

No matter how talented a team is, if you don't have a great coach you won't win the big game. I have been on teams that on paper were great but once adversity came we would buckle under the pressure and turn on each other, playing as individuals. Losing when you know that you are more skilled and more gifted than your opponent stings. It is very hard to recover from those losses. I have also been on teams where we were the underdog and we would beat the 'better" team. When I think about it now I can see that it all started with my coach.

The coach places the team in position to win. The coach knows the strengths and weaknessess of every player and understand how to get the best out of them. The coach pushes the team to the breaking point and pushes some more. They understand it is not about talent solely it is about passion and drive. The coach brings the mindset that the team is a family no matter how different the players are. If the coach can get the players to buy into the gameplan and their role in the plan. The team will be hard to beat. By putting the players in uncomfortable situations during practice the players learn how to face adversity and press through it. The coach does not focus on the opponent but on the execution from his team. The coach stresses the team not the individual. That is a great coach.

In life we all want to win, but to win we must work together. God is our coach. He has a plan that can't be defeated. It is not about us as individuals. The moment we make life about us we cause others to lose. Yes we may be great at something but we need each other to win. We all play a part in God's master plan. Everyone is important and the enemy is real.

The enemy does not want us to work together so he tempts us with his plan of independence. He tries to separate us by revealing the weaknessess and differences in others but we must not listen to him. He is not our coach.

If we believe the lie of the enemy we will be defeated but if we believe our Coach we will win. Victory lies in trusting the plan of God. No matter how bad it may seem we must focus on our role and do our part in fulfilling the master plan. We have two rules to keep.

Love God with all our heart, mind, soul, strength
Love others as you love yourself.
Love can not be defeated. Our coach wants us to love each other and believe His plan. This is our key to success. Be blessed

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

His love surrounds me

The wounds that hurt the most are the ones that come from the people we love.

I won't quit giving my heart to God though. He never fails me. He never lets me down. He takes time to appreicate me as a person. What comfort I have knowing that God loves me for who I am. He is truly all I have and He is more than enough. He wipes away my tears and He listens to my heart.

As I grow silent to the world around me I know that His love surrounds me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Artificial Praise

Right now I just feel led to write. In spite of the disappointments and the trials that I face, when I get the opportunity to write it bring peace to me. A thought comes to mind. Is God more concerned with my honesty or does He want me to artificially praise Him? Is my artificial praise for Him or me?

We can say God is all powerful and His goodness is amazing but our lives profess contrary. We hate the situations He puts us in. We hate feeling empty and unfulfilled but we cover our feelings and confess a praise that we don't even believe. To praise God is more than a phrase that you recite it is the authentic truth confessed from your heart.

It is true that God is good. God is amazing and powerful. He is our friend and will never leave us alone.

He does not want you to confess something you don't believe. He wants you to confess what you believe. Confessing our hearts like "I hate this has happened" "I don't like them" "I don't understand" "I am hurt" "I am afraid" (is a religious no no) but it reveals where we are and allows us to see the need we have for God. God does not want you to cover your feelings He wants you to expose them to Him. If you can't be honest with God you won't be honest with anyone.

In the midst of your honest confession you will find the Truth of God and you are able to testify of His Goodness and Greatness. Our experiences are for our good, not to destroy us but to make us stronger and more conscious of God in our lives. It is not enough to praise God with our lips it is time to praise God from our hearts. Be blessed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

We need you Lord Video

I have been singing this song for the last couple of days. I am so thankful for the realization that I need God. I need God in everything I do and this song speaks to the simplicity of life. Enjoy.