Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The unknown

I am really embracing change now. It has been so hard to go beyond the walls of my comfort. I don't like feeling afraid of the unknown, but the more I do things I have never done the more I feel alive. New horizons, new experiences, new relationships all are in front of me and I am learning to embrace the freedom of the unknown holds. I know what I have done but what I have yet to experience has scared me but now I am moving forward in spite of my fear.

Monday, April 26, 2010


In life sometimes we need to take a timeout to be refocused and refreshed. When I watch a basketball game sometime I see my team executing the game plan to perfection and then suddenly the other team makes a play and they take control of momentum. When the coach sees that his team has lost momentum and confidence, he calls a timeout. The coach is able to refocus his players to execute the plan and give them a short rest before they go back into the game.

When I lose focus of my priorities and my circumstances are draining my confidence and passion. God calls a timeout. A timeout refocuses me to what is inside of me and it gives me the confidence to do what I was made to do. I can't lose if I trust what is inside of me. I don't have to focus on my issues but rather look inward for strength and peace.

Don't allow your circumstances to get the best of you. Call a timeout and get refocused and refreshed for the journey ahead. Have a great day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Framed by opinions

If I took a survey asking people if they care what other people think about them. A majority of the people would say "no I don't care". If we are honest though we really do care. We care how people view us. Who wants to be viewed as useless, confessed, evil or stupid? Not me. But the problem is we say we don't care then we live contrary; worrying what others might think or say. We don't want to be different we want to just be normal to have their approval. To be different means to risk having people not like you and say mean things about you. What kind of life do you want to live honestly? Do you want to live framed by the opinions and beliefs of others or do you want to live a life framed by your beliefs? Freedom is not in what others think of you, it is in what you think of yourself. You are a leader but my opinion means nothing if you don't believe it for yourself. What do you believe? You see opinions change; they are temporary.

I was told not to get married at 20 for I was too young and that I would regret it; it would not last. I was told not start my business that it would be a mistake and to just get a job like everyone else. But do you know the same people that spoke so strongly against my choices were the same ones that praised me for not listening to them. It is not about what people tell you it is what you believe.

There have been times where I listened to people and I remained stuck somewhere because of the advice they gave me. When I realized that it was not what I really wanted to do after years of being stuck I was finally about to move forward. Sometimes you have to ask yourself why am I doing what I am doing? Is it because I desire to do it or is this what I feel is the "right" thing to do? Am I afraid to do what I desire? Why am I afraid of? Is this what God wants me to do? A lot of times it is what God what you to do but sometimes you realize that it is not God but rather the opinions of others or your fears that have prevented you from being you.

I am not saying I don't listen to people I am just saying their opinion is secondary to what I believe in my heart. I don't want to live the life others want me to live. I want to live the life God wants me to live. Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The choice (writing)

Thinking of how little I know yet my hand claims to have all the answers, the world that I live in is nothing but a barrier of fear empowered by my belief in it. I compete with time to create a future that I don't believe I will ever see. Is the remedy to my problem in my hand or in my heart? To fill one is to empty the other. The choice is mine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Same subject a different level

I was thinking about the subject of patience I taught my class yesterday. It is funny how much you can grow if you are willing to learn. I have written and taught about patience, love, faith, relationships, peace, forgiveness and other subjects many times but no matter how much I learn and share I receive new insight on the subjects. It reminds me of school. You take science, math, reading, english and much more but after you have mastered one grade level you move to the next level and learn more about the same subject beyond.

Whenever I think I understand love God elevates me and shows me more that I have not learned. I love it. Life is a process. A process that is layered the more you uncover the more you realize the depth of what is in you. Just sharing. Have a great day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Random thoughts from my heart

You don't know what is in a person until they have nothing left to give. That is where you see the true intents of a person's heart.

Where do you hold your confidence? How bad do you want to see your dream become a reality? You are different for a reason you were not made to be like other people so don't let your circumstances determine your destiny. You are not made to live according to your fears but according to your beliefs. Hold on to what you believe and don't give up no matter what. What you believe could be the difference between you "directing a movie or watching it". Your dream is possible only if you believe it. It is not determined by what others believe it is what you believe that matters.

Why is my PJ Morton CD skipping

Today as I was taking my children to school. I turned on the cd player and started listening to a PJ Morton cd. After a couple of songs the cd started to skip; no matter what song I played it would not play. So I had to turn off the cd player and listen to the radio. Usually I would think something was wrong with the cd and just put a different cd in the player but I just got the cd a day ago so it could not be the cd. A thought came to mind "Many times it is not the product that is flawed it is the instrument that needs to be cleansed"

A lot of times we blame the product when the true problem is the vessel (us).

Think about this. God has a cd(word) He desires to listen to in His cd player (you). When He puts cd(word) in the player(you) He loves what He is listening to then the cd(word) starts to skip and does not reflect the sound(result) He intends to hear. He knows the cd(word) is perfect so He turns off the player(you) until it is properly cleansed (until all filthy doubtful, faithless thoughts are removed). God cleanses until what has been put in us can properly be expressed out of us. His Word works but until we believe His Word it will not serve its intended purpose in our lives.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Only one plan (Plan A)

Recently I saw a video of Will Smith and he was sharing some amazing insights about his outlook on life. The wisdom that he shared was so simple and from the heart. One of the things that very inspired me was there is no plan b only a plan a. He does not focus on a back up plan because he fully believes the plan he has will work. He fully commits to Plan A.

For me that is truly remarkable to fully believe in a plan to the point that you are willing to sacrifice everything even your life for the sake of the plan. For most, that is risky and reckless but for those "crazy" enough to do it, they see the fulfillment of what they believe. When we create a Plan B we are saying that we don't trust Plan A fully and we are afraid to commit and fail. That faithless mentality will not get us to the fulfillment of our dreams it will just get us wishing our life was different.

I have to put 100% of myself into the plan in my heart not regarding the obstacles and fears but moving forward by faith into all that I have been destined to be. To be successful you have to commit to the plan; not doubt the plan. If you know your "Plan A" I want to encourage you to attack it with all that you got. Don't be afraid of what people may think or what may happen; just concentrate on moving forward with the plan and leave the results up to God. Have a great day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The secret to losing weight

This morning I was reflecting on the direction I should go with my workouts. This thought came to mind "walk by faith not by sight". You see the reason many of us fail to reach our desired weight is we are to focused on what we see. The first couple of weeks of working out it is exciting to see your weight drop pounds. When it happens we think "if I keep this up I will be at my desired weight in no time".

Then your body hits the wall and you don't see any results for weeks. You been doing everything right according to the plan but still no results. So you blame Denise Austin, you blame Billie Blanks, you blame Julianne saying their plan does not work. They are not the problem you are. They did not put the weight on you, you did. That person in the mirror that you have been ignoring is to blame.

It starts with you. No matter how much you try to hide who you really are that person inside is not going anywhere. I know first hand what it is like to ignore and hide from the real me. The real me had wounds and fears. The real me was broken and ashamed. The real me was lost because I did not want to deal with my issues I hid him. Even though I had issues I wanted to see the real me again and when I looked in the mirror I did not like what I saw. I did not like what I had become and I tried to change but I found myself with more weight than I started with.

I want to let you know that losing weight is not a one month thing it is a process. It is a process that starts with your heart. When you deal with your heart a transformation happens from the inside out. You become strong inside even though it make take months, years to see it on the outside when you get to your desired weight the strength you have gained inside will sustain you for a lifetime. Working out, eating right, living stress free will be apart of your lifestyle not just a diet or a 60 day workout plan.

So I want to encourage you as I encourage myself. Make the choice to live by faith not by sight. Don't look for the scale to tell you what you are doing is working. Believe what you are doing is working. Don't get discouraged for if you stay committed to the plan of changing from the inside out you will become a new person. I am not a weight loss expert but I believe the way to losing weight is in you, you possess the key to person you desire to be. Have a great day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Stop trying!!

One of my biggest problems is when I try to get myself out of a situation I don't like. If it is a finanical one I will try to my best to find ways to make money. If it is an illness I will try my best to avoid the pain or effects of the illness. Whatever I don't like I try to get out of. The problem is that the more I try the deeper I find myself in the pit I am trying to get out.

It is a hard lesson to learn but I am learning it is not by my efforts that my situation changes it is by surrendering to the One that can get me out of the pit. I know Him as Jesus. Jesus does not need me to work my way out, He needs my hand so He can pull me out. When I surrender to Jesus I come to Him with empty hands. I come to Him with no agenda or plan but I trust and believe that with Him my situation will change. I let go of what I am holding and let God place me where He wants me.

The crazy thing about surrendering is you don't know what God is going to do. Some times He pulls me out a situation, some times He leaves me where I am but gives me a new perspective so I can overcome the situation. When I surrender I don't control what happens but I trust that what happens is what is best for me.

Surrendering is not a one time thing it is a process. It is a process of learning to put my trust and faith in God in every situation. It is a lesson I learn everyday.

Have a great day!!
E'yen A. M. Gardner

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My portion forever

Check out this scripture I just read. "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." That is so powerful. The first verse talks about God being everywhere; in heaven and desired on earth but the second verse is personal. It talks about the God inside of a person heart. No matter what happens on the outside, no matter what the circumstances be. God is in me and His strength last forever. Everything in this world is temporary but God is in me and He is my portion forever. I have been given the greatest possession in the world and it can not be taken from me it is mine forever. He is not just my portion He is your portion. He is in you. Praise God. I love Psalms.