Sunday, January 31, 2010

Your treasure

I watch a lot of movies that deal with someone searching for a treasure. I love the ups and downs that come with the adventure of finding the treasure. Today I want to share with you that no matter what treasure you find in this world it can not compare to the treasure that is inside of you. The adventure to discovering the treasure inside of us is worth the journey. We don't have to look in a tomb or a cave to find another man's treasure we can looking within our hearts and find the greatness that we possess.

You are great. You are wonderful and you are loved. Take the journey to knowing what you carry only you can discover what you possess. Be blessed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Your heart speaks

Hello my name is Maia I love you very much. I am so grateful that I am here and alive today. God is so good. He blesses me contiunally and He shows me grace and mercy everyday. There is no one that compares to Him. I can't live or breath without Him. Without Him I am nothing. Without Him I cannot exist. I would not know what to do or to say or how to even live.

I asked my wife to sit down and close her eyes and just type from her heart and this what came out. Truth is simple. We can complicate so much by not listening to our hearts and try to make sense of the things that we see. Closing our eyes to our surroundings and just allowing our hearts to speak brings so much clarity to what is truly important in life.

Let your heart speak don't let your mind get in the way of what your heart wants to speak in this day. I am a witness that a heart confession can cleanse a thought life and bring freedom to enjoy the day. In Proverbs it says "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he" How can you know who you are if you never listen to what is in your heart. It is not about what you think in your mind but in your heart that defines who you are. Our minds can be influenced by others and our surroundings but our hearts always reveal the true us. What is in your heart today? Only you can find out. Let your heart speak. Be blessed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Moment of Silence for a Busy day

We need a moment of silence. In the busyness of the day we can fall into the trap of hurrying through all that we do. By the end of the day our face is stressed our bodies are fatigued and we are looking for the nearest couch to rest on while we allow the television to distract us from all that we experienced in the day. We don't want to communicate with our children we don't want to talk to our spouse we just want to be left alone to enjoy our evening in silence.

The problem that we encounter is we miss the most important time with our families because we don't know how to handle the busyness that life presents to us daily. We don't need to get away from our families we need to get out of being so busy. We need to relax and breathe in spite of what is going around us we can become an influenue of peace to our surroundings.

I don't like to rush through my day but sometimes I allow what is happening to get me to rush when I desire to relax. Yes we have responsibilities that cause us to meet deadlines and be on time but no one like a product that is half done we all want the best. Believe it or not but when you give your best people will wait for it.

God spoke to me "you don't need more time, use the time that you have" When you have time it works for you not against you. Use the time you have to give your best. Take your moment of silence, breathe and relax for your best it is worth waiting for. Be blessed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Taking Action

I remember when I interviewed for a job at Blockbuster Video my senior year in high school. I was desperate to find a job at that time. I love movies so I knew that it would make the job easy. During the interview the manager asked many questions and I told him what he wanted to hear. I spoke how I was going to commit to working hard and being on time etc. I spoke like the perfect employee that just need the opportunity to work. I convinced the manager and I got the job. Well that was the easy part. I talked myself into my position but now I had to be trained and actually live up to the potential that I protrayed.

Training is not easy because you don't know anything and you are subject to the knowledge the trainer is willing to share with you. They never teach you everything just what you need to know at the moment. For me to really master the position I had to learn on the fly. I had to learn by experience and I had to adapt how I handled the different personalities of customers and co-workers. I had to take action to really grow and develop as a worker. Everyday presented different obstacles and I was challenged to overcome those obstacles with a smile. I had the worst hours (6-3AM no parties for me), I had the worst pay and I had the most responiblilities but in spite of all that I loved that job.

The potential that we possess inside of us has to be challenged and acted on for us to recognize the power that we have. We are stronger than we look. We can have great dreams but if we never act on those dreams they are meaningless. Your job is not a mistake it may not be what you always wanted to do but if you commit to doing your best in spite of the challenges you will recognize what is inside of you and it will prepare you for doing what you are born to do. Stop complaining about the hours, the boss, the work and commit to doing your best today. It will make it more enjoyable and allow you to tap into the potential that is waiting to be used. You are gifted and talented, use your gifts where you are they need you. Take action today towards being great at what you do. Take Action and Enjoy life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shadows in the Dark

Sometimes the hardest thing is to trust the plan of God. God positions things in our lives that can be uncomfortable for us. We are in the dark(ignorance) and the shadows we see look like frightening images that will cause us trouble. We can't seem to find rest and we feel all alone but the truth is we are deceived by our eyes. We are not alone, we are not in a room full of issues and problems we are where God wants us to be. In the midst of darkness we don't have to fight shadows we just need to call our Father He turns the light on and we see clearly the beautiful things He has surrounds us with that we can enjoy when the time is right. His presence calms us and allows us to take rest in the dark no longer afraid of what surrounds us for we know that it all things work for our benefit.

When life seems to be falling apart and you feel like you are going to be consumed by your circumstances. Call on Jesus. He is the light(knowledge) that shines on all darkness(ignorance). Be blessed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My Son's Sticky Fingers

As I fed my 20 month old son pancakes this morning he could not help but to get his hands sticky from the syrup and before I knew it everything he touched he left with his sticky prints. My son does not mind get sticky while he is eating but he does not want his hands to be sticky afterwards so he tries to get it off by touching things and in his mind it makes sense. As a dad I know that his hands need to be washed so that he enjoy the freedom of playing without getting stuck.

So many times I get into sticky situations I can try to get out of the sticky situation but all I do is cause a bigger mess. I can try to ignore the situation but it does not change the fact that once I touch something else it will have the residue of what I am carrying. The only solution for me is to take my mess to God. Like I do with my son God cleanses me from what is trying to stick to me. It allows me to be free to enjoy living without the weights of my past.

Our past has a way of sticky to us and it causes our present to be frustrating and unenjoyable. When we give our lives to God, He takes all of our mistakes, wounds, issues, fears, and doubts and gives us a clean hands to grab a hold of our present. We can't throw away what as happened we can't changed our past but we can give it to our Father. His love allows us to be free to be us in our present. Don't let what is sticking to you keep you from enjoying life give it to God. Your new beginning starts right now.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Changing Directions

Have you ever found yourself travelling in the wrong direction? You are on the road but the more you move forward the further you seem from your destination. There is no point in moving forward if you are going in the wrong direction. Turning around is the only solution. No matter how far we have traveled in the wrong direction the moment we turn around the past is behind us and our destination is before us.

When we get off course it is not time to quit it is time to turn from our mistake towards our solution. It is hard to turn around for it accepting that we were wrong and we need to follow a new direction. The road is full of people going in the wrong direction stop following the car in front of you they are lost just like you. It is time to follow what your heart is telling you "turn around". Your life will follow your beliefs. Change directions and follow guidance of the spirit that is in you. The spirit in you will not lead you the wrong way but lead you into all that God has prepared for you to enjoy.

If you are having a hard time and you are frustrated with the direction your life is going change directions and follow your heart. It will change your prespective and your life. Be blessed.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A House that can't be shaken. A testimony from Haiti.

I was talking to my dad who has been to Haiti numerous times over the years with a missions group to build houses for those that are in need. The Missions team has built over 150 houses for families in Haiti. After the earthquake occurred where many tragically lost their homes and love ones. Not one of the houses that were built by volunteers and missions team were destroyed. Not one. That is amazing. The orphanage is was not destroyed either.

This missions group has been in Haiti years before the earthquake they have been working with the people of Haiti to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet their needs. They have invested so much in building up Haiti and the earthquake could have destroyed all evidence of all they have done, but God. God does not let us do anything in vain. Those houses were not just built they were built in love and in love they stand.

Whatever you do in love can not fail for God is love and He can not fail. Let us stand with those in Haiti let us pray in love let us give in love and let us show our love. It is our time to build our lives in God's love. A House(life) built in love will not fall. Be blessed.

If you would like to help in relief efforts in Haiti go to