Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A moment of silence for a busy day

We need a moment of silence. In the busyness of the day we can fall into the trap of hurrying through all that we do. By the end of the day our face is stressed, our bodies are fatigued, and we are looking for the nearest couch to rest on while we allow the television to distract us from all that we experienced in the day. We don't want to communicate with our children. We don't want to talk to our spouse. We just want to be left alone to enjoy our evening in silence.

The problem that we encounter is we miss the most important time with our families because we don't know how to handle the busyness that life presents to us daily. We don't need to get away from our families we need to get out of being so busy. We need to relax and breathe in spite of what is going around us we can become an influenue of peace to our surroundings.

I don't like to rush through my day but sometimes I allow what is happening to get me to rush when I desire to relax. Yes we have responsibilities that cause us to meet deadlines and be on time but no one like a product that is half done we all want the best. Believe it or not but when you give your best people will wait for it.

God spoke to me "you don't need more time, use the time that you have" When you have time it works for you not against you. Use the time you have to give your best. Take your moment of silence, breathe and relax for your best it is worth waiting for. Have a great day.

original post 01/10

Challenge yourself

One thing I share in teaching sessions with teenagers is.  "Everything you need is in you."  I have been saying this for years but today it really hit home.  We are conditioned to look outwardly for what we need. 

We see things and begin to desire them, thinking they will satisfy us. But they don't.  We try diets because the experts tell us they work and will give us the "perfect" look.  We listen to the fashion experts tell us what we should want to look like. We live like a yo-yo going up and down according to the so-called experts telling us how to live the best life.  The problem is, life is not supposed to be based on how someone believes you should live it is based on you living and making your own choices.  Experts are not there to tell you what to do but rather guide you with their wisdom.  Don't look for them to answer all your questions and make all your decisions.  You are unique trust your heart and allow the advice of others to aid you not make you

The crazy thing is makeovers are temporary.  They illuminate your outward beauty but only you can discover the beauty that is inside of you.   Experts don't have to live with you, but you do.  Make decisions that you can live with.  Make choices that you will be happy with.  You don't have to live hiding behind your fears, your weight, your addictions, your relationships, your insecurities.  You can choice today to push yourself like you never pushed yourself.  Challenging yourself to find out what you beyond who you see in the mirror.  You don't have to be who you been, you can change now.  Everything you need to is inside of you.